I had an experience this week that changed the way I think of this phrase. I was feeling worried for a certain child and didn’t know what I could do. In a moment of desperation, I prayed that Heavenly Father would send angels to help her.
Just a few days later, someone from our church came to visit our family. He had woken up that morning with our daughter on his mind. He didn’t know her very well, but he prayed fervently to know what he could do to help her. He felt like he should visit our family and bring her a message.
Just before leaving our house, he spoke directly to her, and told her some very unique things. The spirit was so strong as he spoke that she knew his message was directly from God. Her heart was touched in a powerful way.
Elder Holland taught, “not all angels are from the other side of the veil. Some of them we walk with and talk with —here, now, every day.” (Ministry of Angels, Oct. 2008)
That man was the angel that God had sent in response to my pleadings, and he spoke “by the power of the Holy Ghost.” This mama heart was SO full of gratitude that God heard and answered my prayer, in a way I could not have anticipated.
Angels are among us, on both sides of the veil. They are a witness that God is aware of our needs and answers our prayers in personal ways.