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Writer's pictureJen Yorgason Thatcher

How is God Manifesting Himself in Your Life?

Aren’t these such amazing promises? It’s talking about the “Gentiles” and “in that day” which means, He is talking about US, and OUR DAY!

We will come to KNOW Christ and SEE His hand in our lives if we will HEARKEN unto Him. Hearken means not only to LISTEN, but to also OBEY. Not just read the scriptures, but seek to LIVE what we’re reading.

If we are doing this, then we can look for ways that He makes himself known in our lives.

How does He manifest Himself unto us IN WORD?

When we are reading the scriptures, or listening to one of His servants, or praying. Through the Spirit, we hear His voice, speaking to us and telling us what we need to do.

How does He manifest Himself unto us IN POWER?

When we notice little “tender mercies” He has given us, or big miracles only He could have orchestrated.

How does He manifest Himself unto us IN VERY DEED? He says it’s by taking away our STUMBLING BLOCKS? Those are the things that stand in our way. Stopping us from progressing.

How would the conversation go, if you asked your family, “How has God manifested Himself unto you, by taking away your stumbling blocks?”

What are your current stumbling blocks? Are you praying for Him to take them away?

I’ve seen Him manifest Himself in my life recently by taking away several of my personal stumbling blocks for posting online. I’ve had the feeling that I should do it for a couple of years, but I’ve had so many concerns and fears. Through prayer and seeking personal revelation to know His will, I have gained courage and my fear is gone. I know He has helped me to work through my concerns because they are gone. He has filled me with hope and a knowledge that He will help me.

God wants us to SEE Him involved in our lives. He wants us to recognize and access His power in our lives. He wants to take away our stumbling blocks. But first, we need to Hearken unto Him.


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