Have you felt of the miraculous healing that comes from Jesus Christ? And have you shared those sacred experiences with your family?
Our personal stories with Christ are a witness of His reality and His power.
What would happen if during our Come Follow Me study, we asked our children, "does Jesus heal people today?"
And then follow up with asking, "who do you know who's been healed miraculously?"
And then what if we took it one step further and asked, "when has Jesus healed someone in OUR family?"
These questions will direct the children to tell of the healing stories they have heard and experienced. And then the parents can add their own healing stories.
If you have tasted of His love, and felt of His goodness, then share it in SPECIFIC ways.
If you have tasted of His love, and felt of His goodness, then share it in SPECIFIC ways.
Within the walls of our homes, we often suffer privately with very difficult, personal problems. Sometimes our families don’t even know. Other times, they are very aware, as it affects them too. But their version of the trial looks different. That’s why it’s so important to TALK about what we are experiencing and share how the Lord is blessing us personally. Trials in families can cause division and loneliness if we don't communicate through them. Or they can be a catalyst for more unity, love, compassion, and faith in God, as we talk our way through them.
And to take it a step further, consider:
What healing do you currently need, that only Christ can offer? Are you asking in faith for Him to heal you? Are you trusting in His timing?
He is the master Healer. He is there to succor us. To strengthen us. To give us hope when we have lost it. He is there to heal us from deep pain and hurt. And to make everything okay, in the end.
President Russell M. Nelson taught:
“Thanks to Him, no condition is hopeless. Thanks to Him, brighter days are ahead, both here and hereafter. Real joy awaits each of us—on the other side of sorrow.” (Russell M. Nelson, Nov. 2005)
Picture from amomentwithchrist.com